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The key to success is preparation (So I'm told!). When working with a model it's important at least to have some ideas in mind. I know that sounds crazy - everyone should have ideas of course but models tell me that they are working with a photographer and sometimes they just ask them to "pose". Posing is ok and the photographer will know what he wants but creativity comes from imagination and dreams. Dreams are often what photo shoots are about - taking the viewer on a journey and letting their imagination and dreams play their parts.

Today I went to a local wood which was magical in the sunlight. I have a shoot with Olga next week and have been looking at locations. We both want to shoot outside and as the Summer is drawing in it's vital to use the last days of good weather. Woodland is a good area to shoot but has hazards such as dog walkers, joggers, ramblers etc. I walked down many paths and took pictures of good areas which Olga can pose, I have Annabellle helping and she may also get involved. Annabelle has dommed Olga on earlier shoots so they like each other which is a bonus!! |Annabelle takes great pictures and will work with me and also keep look out!! I have some ideas for Olga but she also is very creative and adventurous. I have no worries about the work I can do with Olga and Annabelle. The results will be stunning. I just hope the weather will be warm and the woods empty!! Examples will be displayed here asap.

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